Archiv für den Monat: Februar 2014

  • 7,000 years of Egyptian history at the Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm


    On 22 February, Medelhavsmuseet - the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities - will be opening its major permanent exhibition, offering a tour through 7,000 years of Egyptian history. The exhibition depicts the environment in which the objects once belonged, featuring the voices and thoughts of the people who created them and used them. More than 1,600 objects are being exhibited, many of which were not on display before. Together with new films and the very latest research and 3D technology, it will help to shed new light on ancient Egypt.

    The exhibition emphasises the continuity in the history of Egypt. The main focus is on the long and well-known pharaonic period. But Egypt did not cease to be Egypt after the last pharaohs. Mediaeval objects that were previously classed as "Islamic art" now lead the visitor onwards from Late Antiquity through medieval Egypt, where Judaism, Christianity and Islam co-existed side-by-side.


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